Thursday, June 14, 2012

Welcome to My Website!

Hello! This is the very very beginning of a long and exciting road that I've been ready to travel for so long! Thanks for taking the time to visit my site.

Since you're reading this, I'll start off with a little background and explain what I'm doing. I've wanted to sing forever. When I was just a little girl I was gonna be a Disney Channel star....I had it all planned out. I've tried out for American Idol twice. I've auditioned for America's Got Talent. I've done countless amounts of local talent shows, competitions, etc. I've done a lot with my voice and had many great opportunities, but the most incredible one of all came a year ago. 

In July of 2011, my dad and I went to Nashville and met with Creative Soul Records, producer, Eric Copeland. From the moment we shook hands, I knew God had sent us to him for a reason. Eric introduced us to many talented musicians and other individuals at Dark Horse Recording Studio and from there the emotions were just overwhelming. The people we met, the places we went to, and the music that was created was like nothing I've ever experienced before. I knew at that moment, meeting Eric, that God had opened a door and given me the chance to fly. All of those other times were my timing. I gave every single competition my all and sang from the depths of my soul but it wasn't God's timing. He finally said yes and I feel blessed far beyond what I deserve.

I learned an incredible amount while in Nashville and had the privilege to work with some amazing musicians. Its been a long time coming but my first album which I am extremely excited for people to hear, is less than 2 weeks away! What I'm going to be doing is traveling to different churches and events sharing the music that we created and loving every second of it.

I don't know who will hear my music, I don't know what God's plan is, I don't know what opportunities will come my way, but I have faith that God will send the right people at the right time to be blessed by this music. Thank you so much for coming to my site and taking the time to hear my story.


  1. Maddy, You are someone who I have watch grow as a little girl , into a beutiful young Christian lady. Tina and I are so proud to tell you that we love you and pray for you. We wish only the best for you and will be excited to watch how you serve him and grow into your music. God Richly Bless you, Don and Tina

  2. Oh my dear sweet Maddy! I am so proud of you and your accomplishments! And, I am so proud that I can and will be able to say, "I know her!". You have been a bright blessing in my life, and I know that you will go far in your field, with God's grace.
    Love you,

  3. Maddy, How very exciting for you, my dear. I love your voice, God has truly blessed you my dear. I look forward to hearing about all the adventures you will encounter. I’m so proud to have worked with you and your amazing family.
    Many blessings,
